Subscriptions & Packages

Goddess Ground Level: Foundation Alignment Package
Every month

The Goddess Ground Level: Foundation Alignment Package** is perfect for those who want to lay a strong foundation for personal growth before diving into the more intensive business coaching levels. This package focuses on life alignment first, ensuring that you are grounded and ready to take on the world. - Life Alignment First: Before you can grow a successful This is where the entrepreneurial journey begins. Lay a robust foundation, light the spark of your vision, and shape your future.

✓ Thrive in 99 Challenge Journal
✓ Access to Our Exclusive Community
✓ Goddess Awakening Video Courses
✓ Goddess Awakening Live Weekly Healing Video Sessions
Level 1: The Ignite Coaching Package - "Ignite Your Business Story & Reach” - Group Coaching
Every month

**The Ignite Your Business Coaching Package: Ignite Your Business Story & Reach on Social Media.** Foundation Business Coaching: This would be the entry-level coaching where individuals learn to lay the groundwork for their business and personal transformation. This might include helping them identify their goals, their unique strengths, and the market they want to serve. We assist in creating an initial business plan, including defining your mission and vision. This is where the entrepreneuri

✓ Online/ Self-paced Courses
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ 99 Days/ Brand it, Build it, Master it, & Market It (This gu
✓ (21 Day Audio & Video) Goddess Awakening: Know Yourself & Yo
✓ Communities and Access
Level 2: The Expand Coaching Package: Expand Your Business Story & Reach on Social Media.
Every month
Every 2 weeks

By combining foundational business coaching with live training and on-the-spot help, this package ensures that you have the support and guidance you need to build and grow your business with confidence. Start your entrepreneurial journey with a solid foundation and the tools to achieve your vision. You get everything in package one, which includes our communities, and courses, but this also gives you access to live group coaching with me, where I can give you brand-specific help.

✓ Everything in package 1, plus…
✓ Foundation & Advances Brand Building Group Coaching
✓ Live Business Training (6 Live Monthly Healing & Business)
✓ Rewrite Her-Story, Activate Quantum Potential, and Rise
✓ Access to Exclusive Resources
Level 3: VIP Package: The Goddess Growth Mastermind Session: Divine Business Blueprint.
One time
For 3 months

Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey can be overwhelming, especially when you’re juggling multiple responsibilities and ideas. The Goddess Growth Mastermind Session: Divine Business Blueprint is designed to alleviate this burden by providing a structured and supportive environment tailored to your unique needs. This package is perfect for entrepreneurs who are ready to transform their business ideas into a thriving reality. (When choosing a payment plan, delivery happens after last payment)

✓ Everything in packages 1 and 2
✓ 90-Minute Brain Dump Session Deep Dive into Your Vision
✓ 3- Additional 90-Minute Mastermind Sessions
✓ Actionable Plan Creation: Develop a clear and actionable pla
✓ Sales Copy & Campaigns: Receive expertly written sales copy
Level 4 VIP: Goddess Mastermind Session to Build a Branded Business & Master Your Story & Market It $2,222.00
One time
For 6 months

What’s Included: - Strategic Business Planning: - Business Blueprint Creation: Develop a comprehensive and customized business plan that includes your mission, vision, core values, and market positioning. - Campaign Strategy: Design compelling campaigns that align with your brand and resonate with your target audience. - Brand Identity Refinement: Fine-tune your brand’s identity to ensure it authentically represents your essence and attracts ideal clients. -Custom Consulting & Content Creation

✓ 1:1 Consulting: 10+ hours of dedicated sessions to bring you
✓ Custom Content Creation: Receive tailored sales copy, email
✓ Business Blueprint Creation: Develop a comprehensive plan in
✓ Distinctive Value: Comprehensive support to create and imple
Level 5: VIP Package - "Goddess Mastermind Session to Build a Branded Business & Master Your Story & Market It" $5,555
One time
For 6 months

Focus: Build a Powerful Brand, Master Your Story, and Market It Effectively. Who It’s For Entrepreneurs ready to elevate their brand and marketing strategies to a professional level with comprehensive support. What’s Included- Brand Building & Strategy- Comprehensive Brand Development: Craft a compelling brand identity, including mission, vision, and value proposition, to make your business stand out. Story Mastery Develop a captivating personal and brand that resonates deeply w/ your audience.

✓ 20 plus hours of 1:1 consulting where we do 90% of the work
✓ Comprehensive Brand Development: Create a compelling brand
✓ Custom Content Creation: Tailored sales copy, email campaign
✓ 1:1 Business Consulting: 10+ hours of intensive sessions
✓ 1:1 Master Your Story & Market it : 10+ hours of intensive

The Goddess Awakening: Know Yourself & Your Following, Will Follow

✨Goddess, stop looking for high-vibrational, alpha women because we found YOU! In this transformative course, we bring together Coaches, Online Small Business Owners, and Real Estate Agents to heal and grow rich. As alpha women in business, we understand the challenges of trust and collaboration, but here, we focus on healing mother, sister, and womb wounds while aiming to build six-figure businesses.

✨This is your space to connect with your calling, share your story, learn storytelling marketing, and focus on your goals, aspirations, and dreams. The inner calling for fulfillment and pleasure has never been more important. Join us to heal past wounds, build the confidence needed to succeed, and grow rich in every aspect of your life. Together, we must heal to make room for new relationships with other women, money, and ourselves. This is the true secret of women in business.

(Available in Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5)

99 Days/ Brand it, Build it, Master it, & Market It

"99 Days/ Brand it, Build it, Master it, & Market It," an intensive and comprehensive course designed to guide you through the essential steps of creating, developing, mastering, and marketing your brand. Over the span of 99 days, this course will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to establish a strong brand identity, develop your products or services, refine your operations for excellence, and execute effective marketing strategies. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner looking to elevate your brand, this course offers a structured and actionable plan to ensure your brand's success and sustainability in the competitive market. Join us on this transformative journey and take your brand to new heights.

(Available in Levels 2 & 3)

198 Days/6 Month Intensive- Master Your Story & Market It

"198 Days/6 Month Intensive: Master Your Story & Market It" is a comprehensive course designed to empower you with the skills and strategies needed to craft and effectively share your unique story. Over six months of intensive training, you'll learn how to shape narratives that resonate, refine your messaging for maximum impact, and strategically market your story across various platforms. Whether you're an entrepreneur, creative professional, or aspiring influencer, this course will equip you to master storytelling as a powerful tool for personal and professional success.

(Available in VIP Packages, Level 4 & 5)